Barbie's Dreamhouse


Have you ever wondered what Barbie’s house smelled like as a child? Maybe as an adult? Well, I think this may be it. These bars smell like a raspberry sangria, and when wet have a beautiful sparkle that looks like those fancy swirly drinks you get at the bar that both your friends and the bartender judge you for ordering.

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Have you ever wondered what Barbie’s house smelled like as a child? Maybe as an adult? Well, I think this may be it. These bars smell like a raspberry sangria, and when wet have a beautiful sparkle that looks like those fancy swirly drinks you get at the bar that both your friends and the bartender judge you for ordering.

Have you ever wondered what Barbie’s house smelled like as a child? Maybe as an adult? Well, I think this may be it. These bars smell like a raspberry sangria, and when wet have a beautiful sparkle that looks like those fancy swirly drinks you get at the bar that both your friends and the bartender judge you for ordering.